We're four months into 2019 and to say this year has been comfortable would be a monumental understatement. Right up until 2019, I've lived my life with a plan in my mind. I've always known what my next step was going to be. My life has been planned out ever since I left school at the age of sixteen . I knew once I left, I would go on to attend college... and then university. After graduating last summer, I planned to get myself a job - which is what I did. Fortunately for me, that job just didn't work out. As of January this year, I have been working part time, whilst blogging, creating content and working on my freelance hustle.
For a chronic over-thinker such as myself, not having structure in my life, sounded like my worst nightmare. However much to my own surprise -for the most part- I've enjoyed simply living in the moment. I'll be totally honest, after leaving a full-time job I had a mini breakdown over what I was going to do with my life. I felt as if I'd lost all direction and I just didn't know what I wanted anymore. To be honest I still don't know what I want to do, but I'm okay with that. I'm enjoying the journey of finding myself and discovering my passions.
This post is dedicated to the lessons I've learned so far in 2019...

Lesson One: Overthinking will not solve anything - but hard-work will.
I'm such a worrier and I always will be. However the most important lesson I've learned this year is to stop overthinking, and to start doing. It really does you no good to bury your head under the covers, conjure up imaginary scenarios and worry about how things which will / won't work out. Occasionally we all need a day in bed to escape our worries, but don't let this turn into a habit. Worrying does not solve problems, only working hard to change the situation will.
Lesson Two: Limit everything which does not bring you happiness.
I've always believed that the universe will not give you more than you can handle. Situations and people will test you - that's life. But I'm talking about limiting and putting a stop to things which really bring you down, simply limit your exposure to them, or cut them out completely. This year I'm being selfish. I spent six months of my life in a job I didn't enjoy, I'm not wasting any more time. I still feel pressure to find a 'proper job' but I'm beginning to realise, that in 2019, the career landscape has changed and so has the definition of a 'proper job'. I'm enjoying every minute of my journey and if I find a secure job which I enjoy - great. If I don't, that's fine too.

Lesson Three: Learning to enjoy my own company.
I've always been okay with spending time alone, but I've never enjoyed being alone - until this year. Simple things such as being alone in my flat or going out for coffee by myself, would fill me with dread as I love sharing my experiences with others. However one lesson I've learned throughout my journey in 2019, is to simply enjoy my own company.
My lifestyle certainly does not provide me with any sense of stability, but weirdly for the first time in my life, I'm enjoying just winging it.
A huge thank you to Bartek for these capturing these amazing portraits!
Check out his Instagram page and his website here.
S x